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But, believe it or not, I got hurt and I needed surgery, so they actually brought in Tim Hardaway to read my lines and I think they were going to go with Tim because of my injury. They felt like I should be one of the cast members. I don’t know how it all came about behind the scenes. Michael, Patrick, , and myself all had the same agent: David Falk. Having the opportunity to take part in it was surreal for me.

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It was a family movie so everyone could enjoy it, from the parents down to the kids. The fact that it’s still relevant today is incredible. That’s not even something we thought about. How did your role in that movie come together and what’s it like to be part of a classic film? Muggsy Bogues: Space Jam was – and still is – such an iconic, classic movie. Being in Space Jam probably introduced you to a whole new generation of fans.

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